Monday, February 22, 2010

5 Savvy Tips For Direct Marketing Yourself

These tips come from Bob Bly, long recognized as one of America's best and most creative direct response copywriters.

All great ideas are passed on, as in this case from Bob's colleague Joe Pulizzi. Here are some savvy tips for marketing yourself with social media and blogs:

1.) Have your own blog ... and post to it at least 2 to 3 times a

2.) Find 10 to 15 blogs that really matter to your niche
... read
their posts ... and comment when you have something helpful to say.

3.) Publish great content on your blog ...
and share it out on Twitter,
Facebook, and LinkedIn.

4.) When you start your blog, begin to think about writing posts as
chapters for a book ...
after 6 months of blogging, you may have
more than half the book done. A printed book is a business card
that will never be thrown away.

5.) When you are asked to give content away ...
as a guest on a
webinar, a presenter at a conference, or writing an article for a
newsletter - say yes. Give your expertise away.

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