Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's All About A Love Affair!

Lately our Direct Marketing Brainstormer experts have had the same question asked many times: "How do I convert my website traffic into orders?"

The answer ... create a following of "trust" ... the type of trust felt in a love affair. The buyers will come. Remember the line from "Field Of Dreams" ... "build it and they will come". The baseball field came from dreams and trust for the players. Same thing here!

Most website owners think of their site as an advertising page ... or group of pages ... selling their product or service. The result: viewers see just another site selling something, when they are really interested in information ... information ... and more information. Especially information they can believe in.

Problem is most website owners are impatient and immediately focus on the "end game" ... making a sale. Without knowing it, they immediately come off like a "hyped" automobile salesman trying to close a sale before the prospect is half way through the door.

Internet selling is a process. Your prospect wants to get to know you first ... believe in you ... trust you. The biggest job you have is getting your audience to trust and believe in you before they are willing to buy. To do it well, think of your job as a "romancing courtship" or
"love affair" with your web visitors.

How many of you are familiar with the Japanese way of life? From a very early age the Japanese grow up in an environment of "concentric circles of friends". Once they get to know a new friend, he/she is invited into one of the intersecting circles. Unless you royally screw up, you are part of that circle and the intersecting ones for the rest of your life. These are circles of "trust" and feed your successful existence forever. We call it something less "sexy", less "personal" ... networking. Sometimes I think the Japanese really "get it".

For more information on how you can make your website really work, go to: www.best-website-builder.org

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