Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ordinary vs Extraordinary Companies: Elegance

The extraordinary company has an elegance of mind as well as style. Their warehouse and personality are orderly, clean, automated and totally organized. They treat their employees well, almost as if anyone of them are more than welcome in the owner's home as a trusted friend. The ordinary company is just ordinary. Their employees are not treated as equals, things are a little disty and unorganized.

I have a client who prizes their employees. They fully believe they are the biggest asset to their business. Since this direct marketer built themselves on outstanding 24/7 customer service, they treat their employees to surroundings that make them feel they "belong". There are employees at the company "around the clock", so the owners have built a kitchen for the employees that would rival any one belonging to a famous chef on the Food Channel. This allows those who work crazy hours to cook themselves and others a fabulous meal. Viking stoves, two Sub-Zero refrigerators, beautiful granite counter tops, the works. The rest rooms are what you would find in extraordinary hotels with beautiful hand towels and elegant excessories.

The elegance of their company facilities spills over to the elegance and passion each of the employees have for their jobs. I look forward to meeting with this client each month. Everytime I do, I come away with ideas that turn into successful marketing ideas.

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