Monday, May 10, 2010

Anyone Can Build A Website That Works

This past week the people at our conference table were discussing the program we use to build most all of our clients' websites. They were amazed I was the one who built them. They all know I have two left feet when trying to understand "computer-speak".

Any person, any small business can build a website that works and ends up in the top 1% on the Net.

So, why do most websites fail?

There are over 100 million active websites on the net. A full 97% of them have no traffic to speak of. Of the remaining 3% just one third of them are truly successful.

They fail because they do not act upon the profound difference between offline and online commerce.

THE OFFLINE “MANTRA”: Put your “brick & mortar” business where the people crowd by and you are all set. It’s all about … location, location…location.

THE ONLINE “MANTRA”: The fundamental reality of how people use the Web is different. No one passes by. They search for…information, information, information.

Websites with great traffic have acted upon the fundamental reality of online behavior. First, they create in demand content for their website. That allows them to attract targeted traffic. If those visitors have been properly pre-sold, the website will make sales and great income.

It all seems quite simple. It is if you take the time to map out a plan for each step. That takes a lot of thought, particularly in discovering the proper and most appropriate keywords.

Trouble is, most website designers and developers focus on what the website should look like first. If that’s the approach taken, the site is doomed to failure. You must learn to write the proper content based upon the best keywords for your site long before the creative mind starts designing the visual look of the site.

Build keywords by writing the content first. Then map out your website, just the way an architect creates plans for a house. Now you are on your way to a website that will end up in the top 1% on the web.

For more information on writing great content that will get your website noticed, download this FREE e-Course:
Or, visit:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice information, I really appreciate the way you presented.